Greenfield Lutheran Church Council Minutes
Wednesday, March 13th, 2024 7:15 p.m. Church Library
Attendance: P Paul Hemenway, P Josh Krage, P Zach Krage, P Janet Ewalt,
A Owen Schoepski, P Scott Snyder, P Mary Beth Ostrom, P Mindy Kingsley,
P Vicky Tribon, P Matt Anderson, P Stephanie Morse, P Pastor Bockoven
Call to order at 7:15 PM
Devotions – Led by Janet Ewalt, She read a section from the Glimpses From Heaven Devotion.
Code of Conduct
Committee Reports:
Stewardship – Vicky Tribon
● Vicky shared the stewardship committees options to raise funds for the church.
-Mary Beth suggested families sponsoring services and confirmation programs by details of what exactly they would be putting their money towards.
– Scott suggested that we discuss how to get younger families to come to church or give offerings through automatic withdrawals/online banking.
– Vicky volunteered to sit at a table after church to clarify what the congregation’s offering is going towards and instructions on how they can set up online offerings.
● Vicky shared that the Fall/Winter Bazar has been set for November, 16th 2024.
Worship & Music Committee Report: Lead by Stephanie
● Met on Tuesday, Feb 27th 2024
● Eric Slindee will serve as chairman of the committee and Sandy Strozyk was elected to serve as secretary. Stephanie Morse is serving as both the council representative and Adult Choir Director. Regan Rose is serving as the Church Organist.
● The committee will meet on the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm in the meeting room across from the library at the community center.
● At the February meeting they discussed the direction of the altar lights when the choir is singing, having an usher stand by the piano to assist anyone coming down the stairs from communion. Having a sign up sheet for scripture reading and hand sanitizer be placed in every other pew. They would like to see pictures or the kids or recognition at a service for the ones being funded to go on the mission trips. They also discussed the children sitting up front after singing at a church service instead of going back to their parents. “After consulting with parents, Josh will keep the kids seated up front, together after they sing.”
Property – (Committee has not met yet)
Children, Youth, Family – Josh
● The committee met after church on Sunday, March 10th 2024. ● Committee members include Josh, Mary Beth, Mindy, Owen, and Amelia ● April 21st, 2024 High school, confirmation, and Sunday school students will be preparing and performing all aspects of the church service with Pastor Bockoven’s blessing of the versus. ● In April an Eagle bluff Adventure hike will be put together for Greenfield families of all ages to come participate. ● Palm Sunday -Kids will be singing the Lords Prayer with help from Sarah Dornik, Mary Beth Ostrom, and Emily Anderson. ● A summer activity for all the Greenfield kids is being put together for swimming at the old barn. ● The Open Arms Ministry is being planned for the older kids in May.—Financial report for the Youth Trip to Minneapolis: $40,000.00 Needed for 25 participants, $36,000.00 has been raised already, $4,000.00 still needs to be raised.
Endowment – (Committee has not met yet)
Consent Agenda:
● Approval of February 2024 meeting minutes – Stephanie approved and Scott (second)
2. Financial Report
Vicky updated the Council on where the 2023 Budget ended up and January’s new amounts. Mary Beth approved the financial budget that Vicky has put together and Janet (second) ● Vicky stated that the church revenue goes down during the summer months. Typically starting to decrease in numbers of the congregation after Easter.
3. Old Business ● Josh updated the council on the Veterans in Need Programs and different ideas he has come up with. – Josh discussed having Veterans come talk at a church service and do a special offering on that date for the Veterans in need program. He would like to use the VA to help with resources. “Options of dates were discussed.” ● Vicky stated that the office computer has been updated for security virus and back up protection. ● Vicky gave strategies to curve the Budget deficit by increasing electronic giving and making a trajectory of where the money is going.
4. New Business ● The Council reviewed/updated the Custodian Job description. ● The hiring team will consist of Matt, Paul, Pastor Bockoven, and Jim Harstad. ● The job description will be posted in house first to Greenfield congregation members and then to the public. Applicants will need to have their applications turned in by Sunday, April 7th 2024. Advertisements will be put out on bulletins, Facebook, newspaper, and outside the office of the church. ● Please contact Paul Hemenway if anyone is interested in helping with Custodian duties until a full time custodial staff member is hired. ● Thanks to the Hemenway, Ostrom, and Bockoven families also Dave Kiehne, Janet Ewalt, Jim and Polly Harstad for helping with these duties so far.
5. Pastor’s Report
● Thank you to the 2024 Businesses that provided meals during Lenten services
■ Gabby Lou’s ■ The Bite ■ Breaker’s ■ Crunchy Side ■ Kwik Trip ■ Youth helping to serve
● Thank you to Lou omen for the handmade challises provided to our confirmands.
● Sunday Easter Service will be Held at 7am and 9am
● April 4th – 6th Pastor Bockoven will be on Vacation and will have interim coverage that Sunday.
● Sunday, April 7th there will be a memorial service held for Ralph Beastrom.
Cookies and Coffee will be served by the Mariam Circle.
● Please Join us for Bingo at the Preston Golf Course to help with funding for Christ Lutheran to join the youth trip.
6. Lords Prayer lead by Pastor Bockoven
● Paul, Thanks the committee for their perseverance and the entire agenda that we have accomplished going through tonight.
7. Meeting Adjourned by Paul at 8:55pm