Greenfield Lutheran Church
Council Meeting
Sept. 11, 2024
Members Present: Paul Hemenway, Josh Krage, Pastor Bockoven, Vicky Tribon, Scott Snyder, Owen Schoepski
Called to order at 8:00 PM
Committee Reports:
Stewardship-Pastor will be doing a Stewardship series in October
Focused on giving time, talent, and tying
Bazaar has been having craft nights.
Looking into better lighting for the lectern and pulpit.
SimSound is coming Sept. 24 to put in part and training will be the 25th for live streaming video. Hopefully it will be fully operational on the 29th.
Children, Youth and Family
Schedule was given out by Josh through December 22nd of Sunday School/Youth Activities.
Confirmation students were willing to try a youth choir.
Confirmation started today, check Facebook for pictures.
Rally Sunday is Sept. 15 and youth will be going to Gundersen Care Center after church with older youth.
Goal is to get lettering up on sign by the end of October.
Consent Agenda:
August 14th minutes Motioned by Scott, seconded by Mary Beth to approve minutes.
Financial Report:
Vicky: Giving is up from this time last year. Sandy will be done January 31, doing the Church’s books. Revenue vs expenses ytd is positive $2,852.08. We do not need a line of credit at this point.
Old Business
HVAC mini splits: They do not make parts for the mini splits parts anymore for our current units. They are first gen and 24 years old. An estimate from Vis Plumbing to replace a mini split is $2,850. Two will need to be replaced at some time. Furnace filters need to be replaced.
New Business
The Holy Experiment with Union Prairie Lutheran Church
Union Prairie Lutheran Church has not had a pastor for 2 years. Pastor would preach 2nd and 4th Sundays, funerals, and emergency pastoral care. Pastor would leave around 10:30. This would be for 3 months and then re-evaluate. There is currently 1 pastor available for every 6 churches in the nation. UPLC would compensate the pastor. Somebody will have to lock up the church on those Sundays. MaryBeth or Josh were willing to lock up.
Motion made by Owen to approve the Holy Experiment. 2nd by Josh. Carried.
Winter Snow removal
Josh Simon probably will not be doing snow removal this winter. Looking at quotes for snow removal.
Estimate from Redemptive lawn care & snow removal
Snow removal 1-2 in $154
Snow removal 3-6 in $195
Snow removal 6-10 in $250
Snow removal sidewalks 1-2 in $70
Snow removal sidewalks 3-6 in $95
Snow removal sidewalks 6-10 in $120
Salting $150
After November committee meetings, based off the surveys, the committees should bring possible changes to the council. At least 1 changes and no more than 3 changes.
Pastor’s report
Several funerals in the past month. It was brought up that the church should email the congregation if there was a death in the congregation with the deceased family’s permission.
Pastor was thinking about taking Sunday October 27th off. He will find a supply pastor.
Secretary has been working different hours. Please be flexible with response times to emails. IT helped with the computer to make it faster.
Adjournment/Lord’s Prayer led by Pastor Kurt