Call to Order- Paul Hemenway, President was absent due to illness. MaryBeth called meeting to order
Devotions – (Josh read a prayer: What is the power of Prayer and worry) Code of Conduct
Committee Reports:
Stewardship – Vicky: Did not Meet
Worship & Music – Pastor Kurt: Met 8/13/24 : Thanks to Laurie Magnusen for making Flatbread and the Ostrom’s for setting up our outdoor service.
Change out the lector and pulpit lights.
Vicky made a motion and Janet second to start looking at new lights and getting prices.
Stephanie mentioned getting a new portable projector for sanctuary and Pastor Kurt says it is in the budget.
Property – Matt: Met in July to fill holes and spread seed for the lawn out front. They had a work day but no actual meeting was held.
Children, Youth, Family – Josh: Syllabus for youth members will be going out this next month from September through December.
Adult & Family – Janet: Did some home visits and mailed out cards.
- Consent Agenda:
- Approval of minutes June meeting
- Financial Report – Vicky: Expenses exceed Revenue for the month. $19,937.31
- Old Business – None
- New Business – Phone and Internet box went out during the last storm and had to be replaced, per pastor Kurt.
- Sept 15th is Rally Sunday
- Union Prairie Church is inquiring about sharing Pastor Kurt for 2 Sundays a month and help with homebound sessions. The senate is asking if we are open to sharing coverage. Greenfield Council is open to getting more information on this with details.
- Youth & Children Director report – Josh: Thanks to worship and music for including the youth and being open for kids to sing and help out.
- LeAnn @ Gundersen Health Care would like to invite our youth groups to come hang out with residents and do more activities at the nursing home.
- Heavenly Hike – More communication to come.
- Open hands ministry – Oct
- Thanksgiving food Drive – Nov
- Movie for older youth – Dec.
- Josh is in connection with the executive director at RCTC to do a sports camp for church groups in November.
- Pastor’s report– Kurt: Eva Hemenway has asked that the council approve and fill out a form to support (scholarship) for any student attending Luther from our church. MaryBeth suggested that we do care packages instead of money. The council has decided to table the discussion for the future and set up logistics.
- Thank you for the support and prayers for the New Orleans youth trip. Everyone had a great time and the number one thing the kids enjoyed the most was bonding and getting to meet new people from other ministries. There is discussion of the 2027 Youth trip being held in Minneapolis.
- We may have a supply pastor on Labor Day Sunday as Pastor Kurt may be absent.
- Coach Del Elstad passed away and a Celebration of Life will be held at the football field with a luncheon at the golf course on Aug. 31st.
- Looking forward to Confirmation starting on Sept. 11th and Bible Study on Sept. 4th
- Audio/Video new piece is almost done for new video set up.
MaryBeth read a Note from Paul Hemenway: Thank you to everyone who helped out with the youth trip and a BIG shout out to Pastor Kurt for getting the youth through this trip and giving them the trust they needed.
Adjourn/Lord’s Prayer – Vicky Motioned to adjourn and Janet second. Lord’s prayer lead by Pastor Kurt