Greenfield Lutheran offers a variety of things for our children, from programs, activities, and events.
Children baptized at Greenfield Lutheran are welcomed into God’s family by the congregation and named in our Cradle Roll.
Sunday School
Sunday School is kicked off the first Sunday after Labor Day with a special event called Rally Sunday. A special service, program, and activities is held each year to celebrate the starting of the Sunday School Year. See the Sunday School Page for more information and times.
Matthew 19: 14 states: “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”
The Greenfield Nursery Committee feels strongly that there should be a safe and inviting place for parents to bring their young children (ages birth to three years old) on Sunday mornings.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
A Community wide Vacation Bible School is offered each summer at Greenfield Lutheran.
Good Earth Village
The children are offered the opportunity to go to Good Earth Village Christian Camp by Spring Valley. The camp offers Day Camp or Overnight Campers for various lengths of time.
Greenfield Lutheran WELCA & Congregation help with a donation towards each individuals Campership. Early Bird Sign Up deadline is by April 1st each year. Contact the church office or the Youth Director. Please note that Good Earth Village offers various types of programs for the entire family.
Christmas Pageant
The Christmas Pageant is part of the Sunday School program with the children practicing during their normal Sunday school time. The Christmas Pageant is usually the third Sunday of December.
Greenfield Lutheran Church Children take part in many fun outings. Come join us!