Members Present:
Pastor Kurt, Janet Ewalt, Stephanie Silvers, Paul Hemenway, MaryBeth Ostrom, Vicky Tribon, Josh Krage
Call to Order: Paul at 8:01pm
Devotions: Paul Hemenway – John 10:10
Motion to Approve Previous Minutes:
Motioned by Josh Krage, 2nd by MaryBeth Ostrom – Motion Carried
Worship & Music:
- Noted it may be beneficial for congregation members to know about baptisms and funerals ahead of time.
- Survey results were shared so they can make decisions on music styles and how to accommodate a “blended” style that the majority were in favor of.
- Discussed logistics of communion around the rail and having congregation go back to their seats down the middle aisle so they stay in the same order. This is a work in progress
- Reagan will consult about organ servicing.
Thanks to Sandy Strozyk, Jackie Ward, Laurie Magnus, Marian Morem, Linda Snyder and Lori Slindee for their 10 month commitment.
- $1,800 cash donations before the bazaar
- $10,500 was brought in total
- It was a great turnout and great success!
Adult & Family:
- Janet made 12 visits in October to care center members
- Requested up to $125 to use for gift cards for college students and past graduates to let them know the church is thinking of them
- Motion made by Josh and 2nd by Vicky – Motion Carried
- Looking for social activities to do with adults of all ages
- Had sign dedication last weekend
- Boilers were turned on 11-13-24 after VIS came and inspected
- New furnace filters are here and Tim will replace those.
- Morems fixed lights in Pastor’s office
- The mower will need to be serviced
Financial Report:
Started the month: $2,961.64
Revenue: $11,018.00
Expenses: $20, 456.53
Ended the month: -($6,476.90)
Financial Secretary Position:
Sandy will be done at the end of January.
We have a congregation member interested in the position.
Pay is $2,400/year
Nominations for Council:
Sam Grabau, Ross Bahl, Clayton Schoepski, Sharon Kiehne, Sam Stevens, Erik Slindee
Greening of the Church:
4th Sunday: November 24th
MaryBeth will get everything out after church for people to help put up.
Staff End of the Year Reviews:
Pastor will review the staff
Executive committee will review Pastor
These will be completed before the December council meeting.
Preparation for Budget:
Start in December
Finalize 14 days before the annual meeting
Council January 8th
Budget done January 12th
Annual Meeting January 26th
Youth and Children Director’s Report:
Youth choir sings with the adult choir on November 17th
Youth helped at Empty Bowls (8 students: 7 high school and 1 confirmation student)
Christmas Program: Birth of Jesus – December 15th
- Involving Confirmation students as well as Sunday School students
Pastor’s Report:
Had the first month of the “Holy Experiment” with Union Prairie plus one Sunday in November.
1st week in December will be a review with Barb Streed, Assistant to the Bishop
Baptism for Niah Lynn Walker on November 17th (Flaby Family)
Christmas Eve Services: 4:30 and 6:30pm.
Pastor gone December 29th
Adjourn with Lord’s Prayer
Respectfully Submitted by: Mary Beth Ostrom (Secretary Fill-In)