Members Present: Paul Hemenway, Josh Krage, Vicky Tribon, Scott Snyder, Mindy Kingsley, Stephanie Morse, Pastor Bockoven
Absent: MaryBeth Ostrom, Owen Schoepski
Called to order at 8:08 PM
Devotions led by Scott
Code of Conduct Reviewed
Steve Donney would like to be designated as the Endowment treasurer for Thrivent.
There was a motion for the Council President of Greenfield Lutheran Church, Paul Hemenway, to be the designated the representative of this church to sign the Business Entity Form authorizing the following people as authorized signers: Steve Donney-Endowment Funds Treasurer, Samantha Grabau Financial Secretary, Sandy Strozyk-authorized signer, and Matthew Anderson-council member.
Motioned by Vicky, and Stephanie seconded. Motion carried.
- Consent Agenda
- Reviewed Minutes from December meeting.
Add Janet Ewalt as Present. (Change Made)
Motion to approve minutes by Vicky, seconded by Janet. Motion carried.
- Approval of Committee Reports
Vicky motioned to approve, seconded by Scott. Motion carried.
- Financial Report
Revenues for the month of December was $57,051.18. Expenses for December were $20,481.90.
Revenues exceed expenses by $33,786.99 year-to-date for 2024. There were some big gifts given by a few families.
Revenues exceed expenses for the month of December by $36,569.28
Ending checkbook balance was $39,434.15.
Stephanie motioned to approve the financial report, seconded by Janet. Motion carried.
Old Business
- New Business
- Endowment Committee Recommendations
Vickey motioned, seconded by Scott, to approve the Endowment Committee’s recommendations of allocations. Motion carried.
- Approve 2025 Budget
Motioned to approve the 2025 budget as proposed. A motion by Josh, 2nd by Mindy. Motion carried.
- Approve Samantha Grabau to renew the First SE Bank Line of credit up to $40,000 as needed along with Vicky Tribon. Motion to approve by Stephanie, 2nd by Janet. Motion carried.
- Approve Samantha Grabau to access the First SE Bank Line of Credit up to the $40,000 as needed along with Vicky Tribon. Motion to approve by Stephanie, 2nd by Janet. Motion carried.
Pastor Report
176 people attended the 1st Christmas Eve service, and the second service was under 40.
Bazaar would like $500 of seed money. Scott motioned to give $500 of seed money, seconded by Matt. Motion carried.
We are allowed up to 3 representatives from our church to the Synod Assembly in May in Mankato. $500 allocated to cover costs motioned by Janet, seconded by Scott. Motion carried.
The Pastor is not requesting any vacation time in January.
- Children, Youth and Family Report
The big event for the youth in December was the Christmas program which included confirmation kids this year.
Meeting adjourned at 11:25 pm.
*Note these are the unapproved minutes for council.