Our God-Given mission is to celebrate with joy our life in Christ sharing it with others.
We are a worshipping church regularly praising God, celebrating the sacraments of Holy Communion and Holy Baptism, and hearing the Word.
We are a joyful people coming together for fellowship, study, and prayer.
We are a committed congregation of Christians of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We are in a covenant of mutual support with other local congregations in the Harmony area.
We are a prayerful and nurturing church actively engaged in nurturing, teaching, and sending our people to faithful service and fruitful living.
We are a compassionate church reaching out to hurting people with Christ’s healing love and mercy.
We are a faithful people who believe in God’s power and gracious will encouraging people to put their full trust and confidence in God’s promises and provisions.
We are a giving church desiring to give sacrificially and generously as God has given abundantly to us. We encourage people to bring thier tithes and offerings to the Lord.
We welcome participation in our worship services and activities by all people, regardless of race, color, gender, national origin or background.
We welcome into our congregational membership all who confess Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord and who desire to live according to the truth of the Bible.